As we’re all busy cleaning out and getting ready for the New Year, many of realize we could use a little help in creating the look we really want. As busy multi-taskers, who has time to waste in trying on things that don’t really fit or make us look our personal best?  Meet Karen Hughes. After a career in sales, marketing and training, Karen returned to her fashion roots, founding Image Assets. She invited us all to StyleCamp, and now, for those of us who need continuing education, she’s launched StyleYOUniversity.

Karen’s passion is showing frustrated, sometimes overwhelmed (sound familiar?) women and groups how to create a wardrobe for the many lives they lead.  She wants you out of your closet and doing what you love to do more quickly and with style!

As an enthusiastic StyleCamper, I’ve learned way more than ‘what not to wear.’ Now I know what suits me best, and as Karen says, I’m ‘looking good, feeling great, and having fun doing it!”

Want to join me?