I have good news!
The best thing about creating is that you can do it any time, any where, and with anything you happen to have on hand. Nothing ‘official’. A #2 pencil. A Sharpie. A blank scrap of paper. No paint? No problem. Crayons from the kids’ room? A bunch of old bottle caps...
FALLING ” Great trees are falling in the forest. Trees that have protected, stood strong against all things, for decades. Their trunks covered with rough bark. Interiors hiding circle after circle, rings of life, telling the history of the years. Falling. Thin...
New Year… New Start
One feather flock! These Flamingoes are ready to party in ANY season.

You? An Art Collector? YES!
There’s nothing like owning something that is a one of a kind creation. A piece of art that speaks to you. Engages your eyes, your heart, maybe even your soul. But so many of us go through our lives thinking that only the super rich collect art. Not true! I had an...
Coloring in STYLE!
I believe everyone is an artist! But so often people tell me “I can’t draw a straight line!” Well, here’s your chance to jump start your own creativity. I’ve joined together with nine other artists to create “Coloring In...
Guardian Angel in a Golf Shirt
And his name is Diego Rodriguez! I met a young friend at my neighborhood Starbucks for coffee this morning. (Me at Starbucks? I know that surprises you… NOT!) She’s headed to NYC for a new life and career just after Thanksgiving and it was our chance to catch up and...
From big dream to Grand Opening!
Many of you remember my sweet friend Donna Adams Mahaffey, who left us too soon when she passed away last year. It was through her that I first learned about the great work with homeless women that The Drake House is doing. It was always her dream that a Drake Closet...
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